Friday, May 25, 2012

Green Hill Zone(Sonic Dubstep) by Hullez

Here's a 16-bit gaming classic to take you back to the Sega Genesis days.  SONIC DUBSTEP [HEAVY DROP] GREEN HILL ZONE by Hullez is just that, Sonic dubstep and it drops HARD.  Find this and, as Hullez states in his channel description, more "random crap I have produced that I feel is worth whoring on the internet" on Hullez's YouTube Channel.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Exterminate (Dr. Who Theme Dubstep Remix) by Pyrodrifter

Few shows have such wicked-good and almost creepy theme songs as the BBC's classic Dr. Who.  Come 2013 the series will be celebrating it's 50th anniversary!  This blows our American minds over here at the SMD and with the seventh series set to roll out this year we decided to dig up several very cool takes on the Dr. Who theme song including this one by Pyrodrifter.  Check it out.  There will certainly be more of the Doctor in the future  ;)